Sunday, December 25, 2005


Hmm.. Kmaren gw ngambilin rapot ade gw di sma3. Wah, ud lama banget ga masuk ke bangunan ini. Ud banyak banget yang brubah, tamannya jadi rapi, bazaar jadi “kantin sehat” (kekke.. namanyaaa). Tapi, yang paling gw perhatiin, anak jaman skarang gareulis yak! Hehe. Singkat cerita, gw lgs mnuju klas ade gw, 3 IPA 9, yang letaknya sama persis dengan 3-9 waktu jaman gw dulu, di sini ngisi daftar hadir, n lgs nongkrong di dalem kelas, bersama dengan bapak2 dan ibu2 yang juga mau ngambilin rapot, smentara ade gw ngobrol2 ma tmen2nya. Eh, ade gw tnyata populer juga tnyata.. lgs dihampirin ama co2 gtu, mana gede2 lagi cowonya.. bahaya2… alah! Hmm, lama juga nungguin giliran dipanggil, biasalah, para ortu khan suka pengen berdiskusi ttg p’kembangan anak2nya di skul. Sementara itu, gw menebar pandang ke skliling ruangan. Wah, jadi terkenang2 jaman sma dulu. Yah, walopun dulu gw ipa7 bukan ipa9, tapi karna di sma3 smua ruangannya standar, jadi kaya di klas ndiri. Wahhh.. tnyata bnyak juga kjadian2 mnarik waktu sma dulu.. Ahh.. konyol bgt! Merhatiin posisi bangku, eh bangku itu! Dsono gw prnah duduk sbangku ama si neng bwat sehari.. dimana ada kjadian yang menyebabkan gw diledekin ama seluruh (n I mean sluruh!) tmen sklas.. “aDeuuuuuu!” alah, ga pnah lupa gw. Tanpa sadar gw jadi senyam-senyum sendiri. Pasti orang2 pada aneh dah ngliatin gw.. pduli lah. Bgitulah, gw larut dalam ingatan masa muda.. sampe akhirnya nama ade gw dipanggil.. N majulah gw bwat menghadap sang wali kelas. Hmm.. ranking 5, lmayan :D.

*bwat kamu2 yang masih sma.. jangan sia2in masa2 itu, karna masa itu adalah masa untuk mengukir kenangan…. (beuh! Kaya orang tua gw)

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Suatu Sore di Hari Kamis

“Mas opik..pulang duluan ya!”

Ahhh.. manisnyaaa

Kekke.. ini kejadian dua hari yang lalu, waktu gi maen di comic corner. Waktu baru masuk ke ruang baca, indra keenam gw begetar.. ada ce- cakep neh! Hehehe.. Ga deng! Gw ngliat ada satu nak ce-. Mm kira2 klas 2 ato 3 sma neh! Gtu pikiran gw. Eh tau2.. pas kta berpapasan gtu, dia nyapa! “hai!”.. dueng! Sapa neh!! Tnyata gw kenal toh! Mustahil!! Mustahil aku lupa cewe secakep itu! Hehehe.Tapi serius.. dia kan nyapa gitu.. sambil bingung.. gw bales aj dengan senyum senjata andalan. Truss.. lgs kabur! Hehe.. bisa meleleh di tempat kalo ngga. Mm.. bepikir2… Ah!! Inget! Tnyata dia anak tetangga! Yaah. Maklum lah, kta jarang ktemu.. lagian dia baru potong rambut kynya. .Iya juga, diitung2 dia udh klas 3 sma skrg. Beuu.. ga nyangka.. pdhal kmaren masi kecil gtu.. Yah.. setlah spiking2 dikit.. kita misah lagi.. Lgian ga enak sama cowonya. Iy, dia emang dtg ma co-nya. Anak sma juga. (yaah.. msa saingan sama anak sma, ngga level lah!). So gw pegi aj jauh.. kembali membaca dengan tenang. Eh, ngga beberapa lama.. dia datang menghampiri (halah!).. trus terucaplah kata2 di baris paling atas..

Friday, December 16, 2005

a song from tompi

Selalu Denganmu

adakah waktu yg tak berbatas
untukku merasa bahagia
saat-saat aku jatuh cinta
saat ku terbang jauh ke sana

**: selalu denganmu
kasihku selamanya
selalu denganmu
cintaku bersama

kaulah matahari dalam hidupku
dan kaulah cahaya bulan di malamku
hadirmu selalu akan ku tunggu
cintamu selalu akan ku rindu
dan tiada lagi batas ruang waktu

Tahukah kau diriku tak sanggup hidup bila kau jauh dariku
kuingin.. dipelukmu.. selalu..
Tahukah kau diriku tak sanggup hidup bila kau jauh dariku
kuingin.. dipelukmu.. selalu..

Tuhan tetapkan rasa cintaku ini hanya untukmu
Selalu setia selama-lamanya

waaah! ga tau knapa.. aku bner2 demen ma neh lagu! apakah karna ada sesuatu? atau seseorang?? hehehe.. ngga kooo! emang lagunya enakeun aja! dengerin deh! two thumbs up bwat tompi!

-Amir: makasi cd lagunya mas! Ud.. lupain aj si neng! bwat liriknya.. males ngtik ndiri uy!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Back to the Wheel

Yah.. akhirnya! Stelah hampir 2 bulan mobil gw.. (iya deh.. mobil bokap!) cman nangkring doang di garasi tak berdaya buat bergeser satu centi pun (well.. it moves five inches or so, I pushed it, yap, I pushed it every now and then, just to keep the tires.. and my arm, in shape), akhirnya kmaren udah bisa dipake nganter my lovely brother and sister ke skul. Huhuy! Mobilnya idup lagi uy! Kmaren akinya baru ganti. Y udh.. gw pake nganter ade n pegi kul.. (ga ada jalan2 kali ini karna ksadaran gw untuk menghemat duit bensin.. eh, cadangan bahan bakar minyak dunia yang makin menipis =P). Tapi, pas mo pulang.. buseet.. knapa mobil gw jadi totol2 kya Dalmatian?? Yahhh! Tnyata gw salah pilih pohon bwat tempat parkir! (I always prefer a tree as a parking spot, because it’s cool!) Pohon yang gw pilih itu.. sarang burung! So dihujanilah mobil gw dengan “produk2” unggas! Nyuci dah pulang2.. Gpp lah! Skalian merayakan kembali berjalannya mobil gw. Eh, tau ga yang gw rasain waktu petama bawa tu mobil pagi2? Tnyata sbagus2nya mobil orang.. lebih enak bawa mobil sendiri* (Iya! Mobil bokap sendiri deh!) Aww.. it feels so right!

*bisa jadi pepatah baru neh!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Robby Djohan Menerbangkan Kembali Garuda

yoow.. fuh, mandi subuh2 emang menyegarkan!

hmm.. nih gw baca crita tentang Robby Djohan dirunjuk menjadi CEO Garuda, di tengah2 perusahaan yang kacau dan krisis yang luar biasa.

Hari2 pertamanya disambut dengan demo karyawan yang (ktnya) mewakili teman2nya dari tim reformasi "Garuda minta reformasi total, tidak terima pemimpin yang cacat hukum dan berbau KKN." Ada juga,"Pejabat Untung, Karyawan Buntung, Garuda Amburadul". Singkatnya ia mengirim pesan bahwa merekalah yang menjatuhkan pemimpin lama. Dan artinya, kalau tidak cocok, nasib Robby juga ada di tangan mereka.

"Saya tanyakan siapa sebenarnya yang mengangkat mereka mewakili tim reformasi. Mereka agak bingung. Lalu saya sampaikan bahwa sebaiknya di Garuda hanya ada satu manajemen, yaitu direksi dan manajemen yang saya angkat, dan saudara-saudara dari Tim Reformasi tidak boleh ikut dalam manajemen,. Sebaiknya Tim Reformasi bubar saja, dan kalau ada masalah yang berhubungan dengan kesejahteraan karyawan akan kita selesaikan bersama. Tapi sekali lagi, soal manajemen, Tim Reformasi atau serikat pekerja tidak boleh ikut."

Kereeen! Perlu keberanian buat bicara seperti itu. Trus saat Ia dan Emir Sattar, direktur keuangannya yang mantan bankir, sama sperti dirinya, berangkat ke London untuk berbicara dengan BankExim negara2 Eropa.. mereka(para kreditur, bank exim) langsung menggebrak, mengintimdasi dengan suara keras, dan mengancam akan menyita pesawat A330 (itu pesawat Airbus-gede) yang disewa. Dengan tenang ia menjawab:

"I am here not to solve my problem but to solve your problem. The main reason why Garuda collaps is because the international banks were giving credit to Garuda to finance dificit cashflow. From my 30 years experience in banks, I cannot understand this. And, if you want to take your planes back, please do it as they're unproductive for us."

Negosiasi berlangsung alot awalnya, tapi Robby dan Emir Sattar tak mau mundur. Ia hanya mau membayar pinjaman dalam tempo 16 tahun dengan bunga 1% di atas SIBOR. Keras, tapi itu bisa berakhir dengan baik.

wooiiih... keren betul! gagah! Sayang, Robby cman 5 bulan di Garuda, karna dipanggil pemerintah untuk menangani bank2 pemerintah yang (waktu itu) baru dimerger jadi Bank Mandiri. Weh.. gw bisa g y kaya gtu ntar?

dibaca dari buku Change! - Rhenald Kasali

First Sip of a Chevy


wah, udh ampir seminggu neh kaga nulis blog.. maklum, kuliah gila2an. Kaya kmaren.. masa, si dosen ngasi 10 soal take-home quizz yang walopun udh dikroyok belasan orang dengan begadang (waktunya cman 10-hari red)... teteup aj cman slese 7 soal.. geblek!

off-topic? ngga juga, well.. slama proses bagadang itulah gw berkesempatan petama kali untuk ngrasain gmana rasanya nyetir Chevrolet.. punya tmen tentu saja.. hehe..

Critanya, khan gw udh ngerjain bareng2 di kontrakan tmen neh.. trus karna udh mentok, gw pindah inang.. ke kosan tmen di tubagus.. bgitu nyampe disono, tnyata udh rame. skitar 7 orang gitu.. dengan hanya satu cewe (hwaaa... FT!) . Jam menunjukkan 12 mlm teng! Tnyata ngerjain pr itu bkin laper y! pdhal baru set 8 tadi gw mkn mlm. So.. akhirnya gw btiga nyari makan.. tp mls bgt.. jam12 mlm momotoran.. Eeh.. Tmen gw nyletuk, "tuh mobil pake aj!" Gw lgs, yoooooi! Mobilnya chevrolet Zavira.. CBU bo! ktnya sih dkasih sama tmen bokapnya.. (geblek!).

Ptama duduk di driver seat bngung... tombol lampunya manaa.. (yg punya moil kaga ikut-red) ktemu! nytel2 korsi.. 10 mnitan dah.. baru jalan, hehe. masuk gigi satu, hmm halus juga.. Cman tnaganya aga ngilang di putaran rendah, tau knap. Belok kiri, nyalain sen. Lho ko wiper yang jalan? halah.. tnyata tuasnya dituker.. sein di kiri, wiper di kanan.. Aneh2 aj orang Eropa. Nyampe di MCCF, chinese food 24 jam di deket2 situ. Parkir, ngonci pintu, trus bngung.. lho? ko lampu dalemnya kaga mati2. Gw cari2 lama cara matiin lampunya.. tnyata lampunya make timer.. mati ndiri (hehe, ndeso). Akhirnya.. makaaaan! Kenyang, balik ke mobil. masuk garasi org.. mau muter.. masuk gigi R, jtak! lho? ko mentok? mrhatiin tuas prsneling bner2... oooh R nya di sblah kiri atas, sblah gigi satu. Set... lho? masih mntok juga? panik gmana neh.. Trus tmen gw yang diblakang nyletuk.. "tuasnya ditarik k atas dulu, sm kya BMW kali" (blagu sia!, hehe). Jalaan.. ko ada yg aneh? halah.. tnyata dari tadi blom nyalain lampu, hehe.. maklum.. grogi ma mobil

Well.. akhirnya nyampe juga d.. dengan slamat tanpa goresan. Balik k kosan.. ngrjain lagee... ampe mampuuus.

*pristiwa di atas terjadi saat MU kalah 2-1 oleh Benfica, dan tersingkir secara mengenaskan dari Liga Champion.. aaaaarrrgghhhh!

Sunday, December 04, 2005


wah, gw bner2 heran sama klakuan nih cewe sebiji. Sok2 akrab. blagak deket. sok tau abis. dan yang paling nyebelin... manja! akhir2 ini gw besukur dia kaga nongol2 lagi.. eh, kaga deng.. gw emang ngumpet, hehehe. Eh, skalinya bhubungan.. bukannya nanya apa kabar kek.. malah langsung minta tolong yang ngrepotin, dengan suara sok2 manja yang bner2 bkin males... B*tch! "Piiii~~~~~~~iiiik, gw blablablablabla, aduuh, blablablabla...,jd k rmh gw dooo~~ng, bantuii~~in!" The hell??! Parahnya, gw.. mau ga mau.. kudu nurutin kt ni cewe, secara.... ah, ga bisa dtulis di sini, ntar bkal lgs ktaun sapa ni ce-. Tapi, ya nyadar kek! mindless! dungu! Ah, y suw lah.. itung2 beramal di hari minggu, skalian pegi njemput my sister lah..

Friday, December 02, 2005

Kidung malam mahasiswa

Tenonenonenet, tenonenonenet!

Huh? Oooh, alarm hp ade gw bunyi

Ngliat jam, 9.20 mlm


Kalo itu hp gw getar

Ada sms, baca

Wah.. iya, ada tugas klompok

Harus dikumpul besok

Ngliat jam, baru lewat 5 menit

Smsan dulu aah.. hehe biasa anak muda

“Oke bos! Met belajar, semangat!”

Sms terakhir gw

Ngliat jam, 10 kurang lima menit

Kayanya udh saatnya ngerjain tugas

Nyalain komputer


Microsoft words

Kluar tulisan

Preparing Microsoft Office 2003 installation

Bing! Error

The hell?????!!!!


*paragraf berikut mengandung istilah2 teknis, tidak disarankan untuk orang2 yang alergi teknologi, hehehe*

Bingung, kira2 apa yang salah

Inget, beberapa hari yang lalu computer ngdadak ga bisa idup

Gara2 ada satu program startup yang bikin kacau

Pencet F8, menu safe mode

Pilihan yang diambil:

“Restore the computer to a good known configuration”

Oke, computer idup lagi

Cman ada satu masalah

Pilihan tadi, ngrubah computer ke satu set point keadaan sbelumnya

Cuman, sejauh mana?

Ahh.. kynya terlalu jauh, bahkan sampe urutan drive letter pun brubah

Gara2 ada satu virtual cd yang nyempil.. padahal seblumnya udh di uninstall


Ngoprek registri, ngebersihin Windows/System32, jalanin Partition Magic 8.0 (thx God masih ada)

Ahhh.. pulih

Ngliat jam, 11.25

Halah.. bgadang neh

Samber buku referensi

Terjemahin sebisanya

Inget2 kata2 dosen smester kmaren

Voila! Selesai rangkuman

Engineering Mathematics: Grad Operator

Stelah ngedonlot bagian tmen (ini tugas kelompok, red)

Ngliat, 3 halaman

Punya gw: 1 halaman

Aahh.. pduli

Udh pning kpala

Ngeprint, bsk pagi aja, seblum brangkat

Skrang.. tidur

Ngliat jam: 01.05 pagi

(settt, lama banget ngerjain satu halaman A4 doang)

Gud nite every one

Keterangan gambar:

Apa hubungannya keripik pedes ama post ini? Ada dong! Berkat jasanya mata gw bisa mlotot ampe jam 1 pagi, hehehe

Weezer - The Good Life

When I look in the mirror
I can't believe what I see
Tell me, who's that funky dude starin' back at me?
Broken, beaten-down can't even get around
without an old-man cane I fall and hit the ground
Shivering in the cold, I'm bitter and alone

Excuse the bitchin' - I shouldn't complain
I should have no feeling, 'cuz feeling is pain
as everything I need is denied me
and everything I want is taken away from me
but who do I got to blame?
Nobody but me

I don't wanna be an old man anymore
It's been a year or two since I was out on the floor
Shakin' booty, makin' sweet love all the night
It's time I got back to the Good Life
It's time I got back, it's time I got back
'n I don't even know how I got off the track
I wanna go back, yeah!

Screw this crap, I've had it! I ain't no Mr. Cool
I'm a pig, I'm a dog, so 'scuse me if I drool
I ain't gonna hurt nobody, ain't gonna cause a scene
I just need to admit I want sugar in my tea
Hear me? I want sugar in my tea!

*just wanna share with u guys, one of my fave weezer song. Thought it could fit in here ;)


Aku teringat saat seorang teman bertanya

Kum, kamu pernah ga mikir, mungkin lebih enak jadi batu?

sms yang pendek

Tak perlu aku berpikir lama..


Aku tau persis knapa dia bpikir bgitu

Batu, ga dpeduliin orang

Ga sakit walo diinjek, ditendang-tendang

Seburuk apapun, orang cman ngeliat sebagai batu biasa.. teronggok di pinggir jalan

Itu katanya… dan saat itu, wajar dia berpikir seperi itu

Tak perlu aku berpikir lama…

Knapa? Sebab aku pun pernah bpikir sperti itu

Aku pernah hidup seperti batu

Saat kepercayaan dikhianati, saat janji diingkari

Saat harapan dikecewakan, saat perasaan disakiti

Saat tekanan terlalu berat, saat orang mnuntut terlalu banyak

Mungkin memang lebih baik jadi batu

Berhenti berharap, tak percaya janji, harapan? Untuk apa? Perasaan? Buang saja!

Tapi.. seiring hilangnya sakit… hilang pula kesenangan

Pada akhirnya…


Sampai suatu titik, aku sadar

Untuk apa hidup, kalo cman sperti ini?

Ga ada rasanya!

Saat itu, aku bnar2 kesal. Aku sungguh merasa rugi

Berapa banyak waktu yang ku buang percuma?

Harusnya skarang aku sudah jadi bnar2 hebat!

Skarang, memulihkan diri pun butuh banyak waktu

Aku sungguh merasa rugi

Saat ini orang bilang

“Taufiq, luar biasa…”

“Ah, biasa aja” itu yang aku katakan

Tapi yang bnar2 ingin kukatakan adalah….


Aku bahkan belum menyamai aku yang dulu

Tuhan, Bantu aku memperlihatkan,

Betapa hebat nyawa, tubuh, dan pikiran yang Kau berikan

Hingga aku bisa hadapi hidup

Dengan seringai besar di wajahku

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


hmm.. kmaren, di sela2 plajaran kenversi energi yang membosankan, gw minjem suatu buku yang berjudul "Changes!". Eit, ini bukan judul manga, bukan pula novel, teenlit, atow sejenisnya (tumben pik!). Ini judul buku karangan Renal Kasali.. tentang pentingnya perubahan dalam suatu perusahaan.. well, dari pembacaan gw slama 5 menit.. (hehe, namanya juga nyuri2 waktu kuliah)> Ada satu yang mnarik bwat gw. Disono dtulis kalo perubahan itu terjadi bukan pada saat kita berencana untuk berubah, atau saat kita ditekan oleh lingkungan hingga kita terpaksa berubah. Perubahan itu sedang terjadi, tinggal masalah kita menyadarinya ato ngga. Hmm mnarik! Pengen gw pinjem n gw bawa balik sih tuh buku.. cman ngantri uy.. well.. nunggu waiting list sajah.. Comment please..

Sunday, November 27, 2005

phew.. almost dead

Two days ago, i almost end my life on the road while riding my little brother's bike. Why? it's because this little thingy on the picture.. see. Yep, it's all because a rear view mirror. well, you see, my own bike doesn't have such a neat feature.. (ofcoure it had a mirror, ony i broke it in an accident two weeks after my first ride on it.. hehehe)

So.. being never customized with a mirror in my bike, i looked to it over time, when i turn, when i change lane, when i passed another vehicle. Well, i amused by this lil thing. But this behaviour is kinda dangerous, especially when u'r faster than any other vehicle on the road. well, u c, i was driving @ 90 km/h on a protocol road, and like the common, when i change lane, i saw my mirror to watch out from other vehicle coming from behind. And.. because my eye was busy on the mirror (just 4 less than 2 second, i swear!) i didn't see another bike was changing lane too... RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. It was obvious that the rider didn't see his mirror. DAMN! so i squeez my brake handle..(thank god the tire was not locking) My horn screams... and i made it avoiding him just in the last split second... phew!.. So.. i made a conclusion... don't bother to look @ u'r mirror if u'r driving faster tahn most vehicle, coz any1 can't catch u from behind. Even if someone do, u'll hear he coming.. Well, if u still get crashed.. that just u'r bad luck i guess ;P

Friday, November 25, 2005


mm.. baru baca koran neh, disono ada artikel tentang puisinya Bob Dylan yang laku kjual $78.000!!! (780 juta rupiah sajah bow!). Padahal puisi yang judulnya Poems Without Title (puisi yang kaga ada judulnya.. red) ini dibuat waktu masih jamannya dia skul dulu, di Minnesota. Dulu dia masih pake nama Robert Zimmerman. Diantara puisi stebel 16 halaman itu, ada yang bunyinya bgini:

I search the depths of my soul for an answer
But there is no answer,
Because there is no cuestion
And there is no time

Emang pantes lah Bob Dylan jadi artis pop/rock knamaan

wah.. tnyata idup itu hangat y!

Monday, November 21, 2005

man, i'm a healthy guy!

I'm tired, so tired
I'm tired of having sex
I'm spread so thin
I don't know who I am

Monday night I'm makin'
Jen Tuesday night I'm makin' Lyn
Wednesday night I'm makin' Catherine
Oh, why can't I be makin' Love come true?

I'm beat, beet red
ashamed of what I said
I'm sorry, here I go
I know I'm a sinner
But I can't say no

Thursday night I'm makin' Denise
Friday night I'm makin' Sharise
Saturday night I'm makin' Louise
Oh, why can't I be makin' Love come true

tonite, I'm down on my knees
tonite I'm beggin' you please
tonite, tonite, please
Why, can't I be makin' love come true


hahaha... it seemed that i have too much energy this week! not that extreme tough, far than that. and i'm not feeling depressed either. dunno, just feeling like singing this soong. That's my theme song of the week! Don't bother too ask me the detail tough, that's none of u'r business! XP.

Now. where's that lab report i supossed to be doin right now...

Monday, October 24, 2005


taaaukah kau dirikuuuu kan tetap hidup waaalau kau jauh darikuuuu

so.. pegilah kmanapun kau suka, dengan sapapun yang kau mau... for i don't have the power 2 follow u..


i'll be right here when you need me.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

gi sakit nii

wah.. dari kmaren gw sakit nii.. kecapean kynya.. akhirnya stlah minggu yang sangat aktif, my body meets its limit, huehehe.. yah, kepaksa ga pergi2 dulu deh.

yah, sperti biasa, kalo ga ada kerjaan di rumah, otka gw mule ngga bisa diem, mule mikir yang aneh2. Wah, gawat.. bisa gila nih kalo diterusin. . Saat itulah.. gw inget.. "dia". Aaahhh, kalo pikiran gw lagi kalut gini pasti enak ngobrol ma dy. Duh, jd pengen nge-sms, pengen nelf dy. Eit, tp ga boleh! Ntar gw makin tertarik ma dy.. bahaya2. huehehe. ahhh.. tapi smakin gawat nih pikiran2 gw, ga kekontrol. Berhubung hp udh terlajur di tangan.. (struggling so hard not letting myself call her!), gw ngebrowse phonebook gw. Terus tertangkaplah suatu nama, dengan caller ID#1, quick dial #1, dan satu2nya entry yang punya nada panggil sendiri... Sandra. Huehehe, you might be wondering, who is this girl, who's so special to me? well.. she is my last highschool crush, nuff said! teehee.

So, instead of calling "her", gw nge sms si sandra: " yo San! pa kbr? gi kul nih?" Pendek amet y? hehe. not very long.. balesannya dtg.. kira2 bgini: "gw baek... baru aja beres kul.... gw ga ad pulsa niy.. he3. Lu gmana? lagi kuliah y?" hehe.. emang cman gitu doang si, dy jg ngomong ga ad pulsa, ngbales pake nomer tmennya hehe... but at that instant.. my sanity comeback. All my nerves relaxed. The image of "her" disappeared from my head. ahh.. she still had her magic. Pdhal cman sms gtu doang y? hehe, ga tau knapa. plong. So, gw bls smsnya, bilang gpp ga ada pulsa, bilang gw lg sakit (cengengnyaa gw =p), n bilang, take care! Huehehe. eeh.. dy ngebales lg. dan sms yang ke dua ini completely blown me off the atmosphere.. back in the mood baby!! (padahal isi smsnya juga biasa aja ko, sumpah!) yeaah. and that's alone made my whole day... Huehehe

Friday, September 23, 2005

Jumat pagi

Hehe, pagi ini ga ada kerjaan.. kuliah kosong (huraaaa!). Tapi uda telanjur bangun jam 3 nih. Setelah menyantap 3 buah pisang dan 2 butir telor rebus (lapaar), satu set push-up and crouch, bingung d mo ngapain.. so.. nyalain komputer, masukin smua mp3 yg ada ke komputer ke winamp (mm.. 3408 lagu tepatnya), trus di shuffle deh.. Hasilnya:

voice of korea japan - Let's get together now .. 1st track, pilihan sendiri
Keno - Ohayou ..met pagi semuaaaa
weezer - the dawn .. 2 mnit doank! tp tetep keren
top loader - dancing in the moonlight .. yeaah!
sherina - pelangiku ..adu adu.. so sweet
the strokes - under ..alah2, ga smangat, klo suasananya cocok sih oke
Blur - stereotypes ..ko mirip lagunya peterpan yah :p
Eminem - without me ..coz it's feel so empty without me hehehe
Manic Street Preachers - Australia .. yah lumayan lah, kesukaan si ebhe
MLTR - Out of Blue .. yaaah.. ngrusak suasana smangat nih
Kula Shaker - Govinda .. perfecto! ^_^

.. aah. Mantap2, stelah bergovinda jaya2 ria, kynya udah waktunya brenti nih. Udah jam 5 lewat. Orang2 uda pada bangun, n gw blom solat subuh, hehe. Soo.. sampai di sini dulu, jumpa lagi dengan saya di lain kesempatan, hehehe.


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

An Unsespected Call

Yow, what’s up everybody?

Hmm… after full day pass without a single call or sms (damn! Where’s everybody?), my home phone rang, my sis said, it was for me. “Yeah! At last!!” I said, but trough home phone? Hmm that’s unusual. So, I picked up the phone. “Taufiq?” a girl voice on the other end. “Yeah…” I said (where was I heard this voice?). “This is Mbak Ari” (ahh, so it was her). “Err… Aji had a motorcycle accident yesterday, now he is on the I.C.U. Can you come over to support him?” hmm Okay, this is obviously not the call I was expecting. After having a shower, dinner, said the magrib prayer, and a couple of unsuccessful contact to Brama, I rushed to Dustira hospital, where Aji was treated. FYI, me, Aji and Brama were a threeboys gang back when we were in elementary school, a bike gang to be exact =). Now we’re still in contacts, tough seldom meet each other. In hospital, I meet Mbak Ari, which is his sister. She said that the accident occurred in Sunday morning, he was driven by his friend, using his bike. His appearance seemed okay, only he said his stomach was aching. After a CT scan, the doctor said an operation was needed; they had to take one of his kidney. I heard all this from Mbak Ari, since Aji was conscious only for a minute (literally), just to say “Ah… Taufiq, where’s Brama? Damn.. I had a bad luck”, then he fell a sleep. Argh, it seemed pretty ugly, his condition I mean, with all the wires and pipes connected to his body. Hope he gets well soon.

I just wanna say, I know it’s fun driving on the road, speeding is even more fun. But remember, ending up in the I.C.U is no fun at all.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

God, I’m feeling useless

Tuhan, tiba-tiba hal ini terlintas di benakku..

Pernah, suatu saat, aku mengejar seorang wanita

Di mana ada seorang yang juga turut mencintanya

Ku pikir, dia jelek, gendut,dan culun

Dia hanya sedikit berlebih harta

Tentu persaingan ini aku yang memenangkannya

Sejujurnya itu yang ada di benakku

Tapi kemudian, Kau timbakan musibah pada sang wanita

Si gendut selalu ada di sampingnya, memapah langkah-langkahnya, mendengar keluh kesahnya

Aku? Menemuinya pun aku tak bisa

Perlahan aku mundur teratur,

Ku sadar, inikah maksudMu? Diakah yang lebih pantas?

Ya, karena aku tak berbuat apa-apa

Ku tak mampu berbuat apa-apa

Lalu lagi,

Pernah, kuhinakan seorang hambaMu

Huh! Dia egois, tak tau etika dan hanya mau menang sendiri

Tapi ternyata, dia membuat bundanya bangga

Dia dapat memuliakan ibunya

Aku? Meninggikan bundaku aku tak bisa

Ya, karena aku tak berbuat apa-apa

Ku tak mampu berbuat apa-apa

Tuhan.. sebegitu hinakah diriku?

Aku… sungguh ingin berbuat sesuatu

Auto report... part 2

Well, it’s been a while, so I think it is the time to write an updated auto report ;) .

Yesterday, I brought my Suzuki Shogun (a.k.a FD110) to an authorized dealer for a regular service. I was already in the shop about half hour before it opened (even earlier than the mechanics!), so my bike could have the first shift. It started out as just a regular service and oil change, but ended with these in my receipt:

Spare parts:

-front sprocket

-drive chain

-rear sprocket

-BM1 synthetic oil


-regular service

Total cost:

IDR 165000!! (This is 60% of my monthly allowance!)

Fuh, it’s gonna be a real though month for me. Somebody, give me a job! But it wasn’t regrettable. My shogun flies in the road, as good as new (hyperbolic here… J ). Oh, I’ve changed my shocks oil last month, and with yesterday’s services, going 100+ is no challenge ;).

Now, about the car, Mitsubishi Colt T120ss, model 1991 (or 1990?). There’s some problem discovered after a visit to a mechanical shop (bengkel apa sih englishnya?). An overhaul is needed, looking from the white smoke from the exhaust pipe. Gardan (that “thing” that connect the engine and wheel, what u call it?) needs to be replaced; it starts to produce scary grinding voice. And the engine pump needs service too, it’s been suspected to be the cause of several engine shuts. Estimated costs, IDR 5million! Well… maybe later. Oh, I scratch her a little, a really little scratch… about 2x2 cm2. I was in a really bad condition, have a real big problem in mind (nope, this is not about a girl), so can’t blame myself =P. Beside, with some lovely rub with compound, it leaves no mark! Oh, I’ve corrected the steering wheel position, the horn, and the driver seatbelt btw, all by myself! (… proud).

Last, I wanna say welcome to our new garage member! (Surprise, surprise!). A new Honda Supra125XD. Features:

- Securing key shutter

- Crystal image headlight

- Futuristic digital panel

- Stylish front winker

Well, that’s what TV commercial says =P. But my Dad surprise me with this buy, cause I don’t see the urgency (fixing the car should be more urgent… aaarrggh). But Dad seems really enjoys his new bike. Can’t blame him, I know it’s a real fun. Hehehe. But still, I prefer my Suzuki than the Honda.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

What a funny day

Hehe… yesterday, I fill my morning with words like “SHIT! F*CK, DAMMIT, UANJINK! Etc. (u know the point right?)” wandering around in my brain. But, in the end of the day.. I can’t stop smiling. Ahh. God is great

Btw, about the pursuit, I decided to call it off, too much energy-consuming =P. I have many goals rite now, and I think there’re some higher priority things. Beside that, now I don’t sure about my feelings….

Owowow.. Apakah ini cinta, atau keadaan memaksaku merasakan… tak pernah ku menyangka.. tapi harus bagaimanaaa?

maliq n d’essentials-harus bagaimana

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Oh no! i think i'm...

in love!

mwahahahahahhahahahaha.. i can't stand it anymore..

Soo.. let the pursuit begin! dhuar! dhuer!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

A story about a friggin’ idiot

Once upon a time, there’s someone who is very gifted at something very popular that time. So genius, that he becomes very special among his comrades. Let’s just call him Champ. Champ wins every match that he enters, over and over again, until when people meet him, the only thing that comes to their mind is how to beat him. Champ becomes lonely. So he comes up with an idea,”what if I’m no champ?” Then he starts playing fool. He loses matches, and doing things foolishly. And just like he thought, people just love a loser. People start forgetting that he is the same person that they used to fear. Now, the Champ is known as the Clown.

Now Clown has many friends. But he doesn’t realize, that he start hurting some people by being a clown. These are the people that really care about him. Not much really, they eve can be counted by fingers, but these people have given everything, their love, tears, and even their blood, everything they can for Champ. For practice, we’ll call them Fingers. Fingers have really upset and disappointed by what Champ doing, and they start leaving him, one by one.

As the time goes, Clown begins to realize that something’s wrong. He doesn’t know what is it, but he really miss something in his life. He feels so empty. He asks himself,”is it the trophy that I missed so much?” Then he checks out his trophy room, where he places the entire trophies that he won in his “champ time”. But nope, it’s neither the trophies nor the medals. Then, something catches his attention. It’s a photo album. As he browse trough it, his heart start to trembles, as he see that in every podium that he owns, there were some people standing behind him, rejoiced in his winning. They were the Fingers! Now he knows what his heart missing so much. It’s the Fingers. It’s the teamwork that they built for every winning he had. It’s the bond they have each other, as a family. As he realizes it, he makes a decision. Not long after that he hear people calling him, “Clown, where are you? We need a laugh here, come and entertain us!” Then, he approaches the people, looking them at the eyes, one by one, and replies…

“Sorry, but call me Champ!”

Thursday, September 01, 2005


kapasitasku cuman segitu.. satu teriakan dan aku panik, semuanya kacau, n ampir aja fatal.

... aku kecewa, bisa keganggu cman ama hal kaya gitu... instropeksi

Thursday, August 25, 2005

latest shock..

Leukemia is cancer of blood-forming tissue such as bone marrow. Types of leukemia are grouped by the type of cell affected and by the rate of cell growth. Leukemia is either acute or chronic.

Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) is a condition in which the bone marrow does not function normally and therefore does not produce enough normal blood cells. The blood cells affected are white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. Some cases of MDS may, over time, progress to acute leukemia. MDS is most often found in patients nearing their 60s and 70s. However, there are always exceptions.

The specific cause of leukemia is still not known. Scientists suspect that viral, genetic, environmental or immunologic factors may be involved.

Some viruses cause leukemia in animals. But in humans, viruses cause only one rare type of leukemia. Even if a virus is involved, leukemia is not contagious. It can not spread from one person to another. There is no increased occurrence of leukemia among people such as friends, family and caregivers who have close contact with leukemia patients.

There may be a genetic predisposition to leukemia. There are rare families where people born with chromosome damage may have genes that increase their chances of developing leukemia.

Environmental factors, such as high-dose radiation and exposure to certain toxic chemicals, have been directly linked to leukemia. But this has been true only in extreme cases, such as atomic bomb survivors in Nagasaki and Hiroshima or industrial workers exposed to benzene. Exposure to ordinary x-rays, like chest x-rays, is not believed to be dangerous.

People with immune-system deficiencies appear to be at greater risk for cancer because of the body’s decreased ability to resist foreign cells. There is evidence that patients treated for other types of cancer with some types of chemotherapy and/or high-dose radiation therapy may later develop leukemia.

All of these factors may explain why a small number of people develop leukemia. But, among most people, the cause of leukemia is not known.

p.s: don't worry, it's not bout me, but sum1 that mean much 2 me

a new semester!!!

ahhhh... it has come, a new session full of books, homeworks, studies, and test.. arrgh!

anywaayy.. i'm not gonna talk bout my plan in this new semester.. (too lazy to make plans and targets, hehehe). what i'm gonna talk about is, my friends... After a while not meeting them, i notice that all of my friends have change (some are drastic!) after the holiday season. Some acquire new skills, new friends, new cars (drolll), new attitude. They're all improve in their own way. At that time i realise, man.. i live around great people, and i have 2 compete with them? at that time, excitement flowing in my vein..

hey, what about me? don't take me wrong, i've change too ;)

Monday, August 15, 2005

she come back...

yesterday... while i was enjoying my peacefully afternoon, my cellphone rang. An unknown number. I picked it up (it was very regretfull)... and, it's her voice in the other end, a very annoying, spoiled girl, who only like to talk bout herself, very very noisy, and also... never use her head!!!!!!!!!!!

awww... come'on! i thought that last call i made was the end of it! i've made points there rite?? and now after 3 months u comeback... disturbing my life again? are u that desperate?? or... that stupid?? i was tryin 2 be a good boy.. talk 2 u nicely.. but, u think i'm a good stupid lil boy that u can use like that? sigh... just like i thought, that accidental meeting in McD was no good. Ok then, u ask for it, no more good boy. i'll show u how mean i can be.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

auto reports

hm, this post... is about... argh read it u'rself!

ermm.. at last i found out the probs with my motorcycle, the throttle cable is jammed, so i just brely can open the gas @ 1/3 throttle!! Now fixed, i'm goin 90 again ;). Now, i only have to find the time to adjust the shock absorber... so it can go 100++, hehe. At current states, it very unstable to go past 100, nope, i won't waste my life on the road.

i feel soo happy, after 3 weeks, she comeback 2 me! Don't get me wrong.. nobody is talkin bout girl here.. (sigh!). it' bout my Mitusbishi Colt T120ss.. yeah!! d calssic, d masterpiece, d piece of junk of mine! After bein' pimped for 3 weeks in d bodyshop, it comebacks to me! arrrr.... oh baby.. really2 miss u! Now her color is much darker, almost black, but not black enough to force me dealin with police officer in order to change the car licence, hehe (bah! birocracy!). BUT!! tonite, when i walk her in d city, she gave me some attitudes. Rite in d middle of Cimindi highway, her engine cough.. n.. went off???? WTF? now u have engine problem my darlin?? aww come'on. We have a date 2 bazaar 3 this weekend. Don't u do that 2 meeee. okay, 2morrow, we'll see what's wrong with u!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


the sky is wide.. (eeh.. luas paan sih b.Inggrisnya?)
but there's no room 4 mistake !

that's what aviation business is all about

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

1st post.. badan bobrok...

yoooow... akhirnya gw punya blog jg!! Lha... ko ga pake b.inggris??? Hehe, bgini pemirsa.. skarang jam menunjukkan pukul setengah tiga dinihari.. n gw bner2 g bisa tidur dari tengah mlm td! buset.. bginilah gw, klo gi sehat.. bawaan molor mulu.. Tp pas gi sakit, otak gw ga mo diem.. damn! tp, klo dpaksa mikir english... ga kuaaaat

btw.. skarang adalh H-1 bwat latian perdana setelah mmmm.. 8 bulan?
tp gawat neh.. gw sama skali ga sehat... bgimana neh pemirsa??

anyway... songlistnya:
maliq n D`essential - terdiam
- untitled
311 - The Love Song
padi - Menanti sebuah Jawaban (Bah! boring... ga nyekill.. hehehe)
Maroon5 - Sunday Morning (kebangsaan BBA neh)

players : BBA feat Egon(keyboard, bass, guitar.. tergantung kebutuhan, orang gila dasar!),
rully (bass, perlu confirm lg, tu anak ud 3 hari ngilang g pulang.. ga dayg tau kmane)

ok.. sampe dis ini dl.. skrg pala gw ud mo pecah ni.. pusiing
gu nite folks!