Monday, August 15, 2005

she come back...

yesterday... while i was enjoying my peacefully afternoon, my cellphone rang. An unknown number. I picked it up (it was very regretfull)... and, it's her voice in the other end, a very annoying, spoiled girl, who only like to talk bout herself, very very noisy, and also... never use her head!!!!!!!!!!!

awww... come'on! i thought that last call i made was the end of it! i've made points there rite?? and now after 3 months u comeback... disturbing my life again? are u that desperate?? or... that stupid?? i was tryin 2 be a good boy.. talk 2 u nicely.. but, u think i'm a good stupid lil boy that u can use like that? sigh... just like i thought, that accidental meeting in McD was no good. Ok then, u ask for it, no more good boy. i'll show u how mean i can be.

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