Sunday, November 27, 2005

phew.. almost dead

Two days ago, i almost end my life on the road while riding my little brother's bike. Why? it's because this little thingy on the picture.. see. Yep, it's all because a rear view mirror. well, you see, my own bike doesn't have such a neat feature.. (ofcoure it had a mirror, ony i broke it in an accident two weeks after my first ride on it.. hehehe)

So.. being never customized with a mirror in my bike, i looked to it over time, when i turn, when i change lane, when i passed another vehicle. Well, i amused by this lil thing. But this behaviour is kinda dangerous, especially when u'r faster than any other vehicle on the road. well, u c, i was driving @ 90 km/h on a protocol road, and like the common, when i change lane, i saw my mirror to watch out from other vehicle coming from behind. And.. because my eye was busy on the mirror (just 4 less than 2 second, i swear!) i didn't see another bike was changing lane too... RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. It was obvious that the rider didn't see his mirror. DAMN! so i squeez my brake handle..(thank god the tire was not locking) My horn screams... and i made it avoiding him just in the last split second... phew!.. So.. i made a conclusion... don't bother to look @ u'r mirror if u'r driving faster tahn most vehicle, coz any1 can't catch u from behind. Even if someone do, u'll hear he coming.. Well, if u still get crashed.. that just u'r bad luck i guess ;P


aciet said...

ko g blg2 si klo kecelakaan??
gt yg namanya sobat??
guy,, u're not alone!! i'm here!!

piqs said...

hehe.. g bilang2.. soalnya aku kan gpp.. ga kegores sdikit pun!yah.. 5cm lagi sih, hehehe..
