Thursday, December 17, 2009

by saying something stupid..

you have nooo idea of how much i've been thinking about it (haha)

and i'm dead serious

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Grey (nope, this is not a typo)

I often have discussion with my old classmates from college about works, projects, dreams, love (ahaha)... anything! One thing that I notice is that as time goes by, many of us have to make "gray decision" regarding their job. For example, a person that works as sales have to "entertain" their potential client. We were taught in campus (literally!) that it is unethical as an engineer to accept payment ( in any kind, not just cash) beside from the party that hired him/her in one engineering job. So if a sales treat you in some lunch or karaoke, that will be unethical, but "that's the way it is".. as they said.. In the less formal sector, one that recently want to open a restaurant said that it is way too expensive to "play it clean" a.k.a pay the proper proper tax. So he "gets around it". sigh..

Now I'm still in campus, so I pretty much "sterile" from such exposure. But that gets me worry, when my time come, can I do something different, not just the usual "the way it is" thing?

I surely hope I can.. and I hope I will have support when the time comes, because it surely won't be easy.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Inspiring people

I found this link from a mailing list:

It's about CNN heroes - ordinary people with extraordinary impact *loves the punchline*. All of them have many inspiring stories. And there is one Indonesia among the list too! Check his story here.

The people there are divided into several categories. Among them one made me thinking, deep: YOUNG WONDER - Outstanding achievement by a person 25 or under.
You see, in less than two months i will be 23. That's two years before 25. So, what can I do in that period? Will I ever have my "outstanding achievement"? It also reminded me that a friend once told me that my name means "inspiration" in English.

Well, I guess I have to try harder.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Beberapa hari yang lalu saya teringat sebuah panel komik yang mengingatkan saya (teringat panel yang mengingatkan.. biarlah :P) waktu saya di Osaka. Saya cari, terus warnain deh :D

Sunday, October 11, 2009

forever young

@ immigration office, waiting for interview

woman: so, are you in college or still in school?
man: ah, i just graduated this year.
woman: In last August? so you are in class 2009 right?
man: err... i graduated from COLLEGE actually
woman: (LOL). Sorry, so.. it was class 2004?
man: Yep! How about you?
woman: (smile) How do you think?
man: (thinking for awhile, and then decided to take the safe way :p)
Still in campus?
woman: (big laughter) I'm just having my first child
man: (woot!), well, you can already have a child and still go to campus you know
woman: hehe, kidding. The truth is, if you are class 2004, then i graduated from my college at 2004
(laugh together)

well, as the saying goes:
don't judge the book by its cover :P

Friday, September 25, 2009

Ironi Perubahan

Saya baru beli sebuah buku, judulnya Hot, Flat, and Crowded (aahh,, senangnya punya uang sendiri :D). Baru baca bab satu sih, namanya juga baru beli kemarin. Tapi di bab satu ini saya menemukan sesuatu yang cukup membuat saya tersentak.

Bab satu ini menceritakan tentang pandangan penulis terhadap negaranya, Amerika, saat ini. Intinya sih, Amerika masih nomer satu, tapi saat ini berada di jalur yang salah. Lalu dia menulis:

Kalau kita ingin semuanya tetap seperti ini, banyak sekali yang harus kita ubah.

Well well, lalu bagaimana dengan kita, yang jelas-jelas tidak ingin begini terus?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


membuat tujuan besar untuk mengecilkan rasa sepi ternyata tidak sehat.

dikutip bebas dari milis alumni TF. sepakat.

Prisoner's Dilemma

Halo pembaca sekalian! hehe, sudah lama saya tidak bikin post. Sebenernya sudah ada beberapa draft setengah jadi di dashboard blogger saya, tapi entah kenapa saya sudah kehilangan minat untuk menulis saat mau melanjutkan, jadi untuk sekarang saya akan menulis post kali ini sekaligus! Eh lebaran dulu ya, maafin saya kalau ada kesalahan :D

Di libur lebaran kemarin saya sempat membaca beberapa buku. Salah satu di antaranya adalah "Radikal itu Menjual" . Buku ini mencoba menjelaskan kenapa budaya tanding (counter culture, budaya anti mainstream) gagal membawa perubahan signifikan di dunia ini. Di buku itu disebutkan teori Prisoner's Dillema, isinya tentang kenapa kita perlu aturan di dunia ini. Teori itu kira2 seperti ini:

Ada 2 orang merampok bank, sebut saja Mawar dan Sahabat A (:P). Mereka berhasil melarikan diri, tapi polisi tahu identitas mereka. Mereka dikenal sebagai penjual minuman keras. Jadi polisi menyerbu tempat tinggal mereka, memungut bukti minuman, dan menahan mereka sebagai penjual minuman.

Mawar dan Sahabat A dipisahkan dalam ruang terpisah, kemudian Polisi berkata begini pada Mawar:
"Mawar, kami tahu kamu dan Sahabat A adalah perampok bank, tapi kami tidak punya bukti. Kamu akan ditahan setahun untuk penjualan minuman keras, tapi kalau kamu mau bersaksi bahwa Sahabat A adalah perampok bank, maka kamu akan dibebaskan" (hukuman untuk perampokan bank adalah 5 tahun, btw)

Mawar tentu saja (mendambakan) hukuman sekecil2nya, tapi dia berfikir, bahwa polisi juga memberi penawaran yang sama pada Sahabat A. Jadi kemungkinannya adalah:
1. Mawar bersaksi, Sahabat A tidak (hukuman: Mawar bebas, Sahabat A 6 tahun)
2. Mawar tidak bersaksi, Sahabat A tidak (hukuman: Mawar 1 tahun, Sahabat A 1 tahun)
3. Mawar bersaksi, Sahabat A bersaksi (hukuman: Mawar 5 tahun, Sahabat A 5 tahunn)
4. Mawar tidak bersaksi, Sahabat A bersaksi (hukuman: Mawar 6 tahun, Sahabat A bebas)

Bagi Mawar terlihat, apapun yang dipilih Sahabat A (baik bersaksi ataupun tidak) maka hukuman Mawar akan lebih ringan apabila Mawar bersaksi. Tapi pola pikir seperti inilah yang juga mendorong Sahabat A untuk bersaksi. Akibatnya, kemungkinan nomer 3 di atas tak terhindarkan.

Inilah dilemanya, pilihan untuk memperoleh hukuman seringan mungkin ternyata malah pasti memberikan hasil yang buruk. Sebenarnya ini terjadi karena Mawar tidak percaya sahabat A tidak akan berkhianat, dia tidak punya kontrol untuk itu. Hal ini bisa dihindarkan, bila misalnya Mawar dan Sahabat A tergabung dalam geng perampok yang punya aturan: siapa pun yang mengkhianati rekan satu geng, akan dipancung! Aturan ini terdengar brutal dan kejam, tapi itu demi kepentingan masing2 anggota. Dengan demikian, hasil yang lebih baik (dalam hal ini kemungkinan nomer dua, walaupun masing2 mengorbankan kebebasan selama 1 tahun) bisa didapat.

Itulah gunanya aturan! supaya kita percaya bahwa tiap orang mau sedikit berkorban demi mencapai kebaikan bersama.

Sekarang mari kita bawa ini ke kasus keseharian kita. Mengapa kita:
1. mau mengantri saat mengambil uang di atm?
2. sulit sekali mengantri saat mengendarai motor, atau,, katakanlah,, hendak naik busway?
Saya kira teori prisoner dilemma di atas bisa menjelaskan fenomena itu. Setujukah?

Penafsiran tentang teori ini adalah pemikiran saya sendiri, jadi kalau dirasa kurang cocok dengan yang dimaksud buku itu, harap dimaklumi :D

Ih, srius kali posting gw ini, hehe.. yah, sekali-kali gapapa lah :D

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Manga Reading List

heyho! Maybe as some of you know, i'm a loyal reader of manga (japanese comics, that is). Here, i want to share with you guys my current reading list. All mangas that listed here are still running and updated. Yeah, that means i read all these mangas every week! (well, most of it). Fufufu, so ladies and gentlemen, THE LIST:
1. One Piece
2. Bleach
3. Naruto
4. Fairy Tail
5. Katekyo Hitman Reborn
6. Kekkaishi
7. Cross Game
8. Onidere
9. Saint Seiya - The Lost Canvas
10. Kimi no Iru Machi
11. Bakuman
12. Nurarihyon no Mago
13. Arata Kangatari
14. Kagijin
15. The World God Only Know
16. Defense Devil
17. D. Gray-Man
18. Ice Revolution
19. Q And A
20. Detective Conan
21. Beelzebub
22. K-On!

Well, that's it :D. Do you read some from my list too?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


JDUK! Sebuah mobil yang sedang melintas menghantam polisi tidur dengan keras

Bos 1: Waduh2.. kalo bawa BM* jangan disamain kalo sedang bawa kij*ng dong!
Bos 2: Hahahha,, justeruu,,, karena bawa BM* harusnya bisa dibawa seenaknya dong! Ga kerasa ini
Bos 1: Iya, pas lagi nyetir sih ngga ngerasa, ntar di bengkel baru kerasanyaaa
Bos 2: Oh,,, iya sih.. hahahhaha

dan seorang pegawai baru dalam kendaraan yang sama cuma diam, tak tau gimana caranya supaya dia bisa nimbrung. Ada ide?

Friday, June 05, 2009

me draw

kidding! do the coloring tough. taken from Eyshield21, my favorite quarterback, the commander from hell: Hirumaaaa Youichiiii

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Is it time already?

Last Sunday, my pal came to my house from Jakarta.

Pal: Well2, you have a nice neighborhood here
Me: Yup! u can say that
Pal: Hey, is there any available lot or house for sale?
Me: Yeah, there are some in the back, why?
Pal: This kind of environment will be good for growing up my kids. They can bike freely and such..

What??? Is it time already to worry about such things??

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hemat waktu online dengan RSS

Hehe, sekali-sekali ingin juga buat tulisan yang sifatnya tutorial. Here goes my first try, critics are always welcomed, but please be gentle ;)

Apa kamu punya beberapa website tutorial favorit, yang tulisan barunya selalu kamu tunggu2, tapi sayangnya tidak punya jadwal update tetap? Atau kamu tiap hari mengecek blog teman2 kamu karena tak ingin ketinggalan berita dari mereka?

Hmm,, lama2 capek juga ya memeriksa tiap saat dan belum tentu ada konten baru yang tampil. Hey2, tapi itu bisa diatasi dengan RSS!

Apa itu RSS? RSS, singkatan dari Really Simple Syndication. Gampangnya sih, RSS adalah salah satu cara bagi suatu website untuk membagi kontennya dengan pihak lain. Nah, dengan mengumpulkan konten2 web favorit kita pada satu tempat, kita tidak mesti repot2 mengunjungi satu per satu, karena tiap konten baru akan dikirimkan pada kita melalui RSS!

Untuk bisa mendapatkan kiriman RSS (biasa disebut feed) pertama, kita harus tahu, apa website yang kita inginkan menyediakan feed tersebut. Cari tulisan RSS feed atau logo seperti ini:
Biasanya itu mengacu ke link RSS feed-nya. Setelah tahu alamat feed RSS yang diikuti, kita perlu sesuatu untuk membacanya. Umum disebut RSS feed reader atau aggregator. Ada beberapa alternatif sih, tapi saya beritahukan yang saya pakai aja yak! :p Google Reader!

Untuk menggunakan reader ini pengguna perlu terdaftar (gratis), tapi kalo kamu pernah pakai service Google yang lain, misal blog dan email, akun kamu juga bisa dipakai. Oh iya, selain reader yang berbasis web seperti ini, ada juga yang versi klien mandiri.

Di sini kamu tinggal klik "add subscription" masukkan alamat feed RSS yang kamu ikuti, dan voila! Konten2 website mereka akan diantarkan ke halaman aggregator kamu. Berikut ini contoh feed reader favorit saya in action:

*Klik untuk memperbesar
Ok, semoga bermanfaat, selamat mencoba! :D

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Template!

Yak, seperti para pembaca yang budiman bisa lihat, saat ini blog saya memiliki sebuah template baru. Saat ini sih masih dalam pengerjaan, jadi mohon dimaklumi kalau banyak hal2 yang tidak pada tempatnya.

Rencana sih template ini mau diedit lagi. Warna dasarnya mau diubah (hem,, i'm thinking about red, how 'bout you?), font2nya mau diganti, dan tadat tadaat.. a brand new logo! (rencananyaa :p).

okay, kalo ada komen dipersilahkan yak!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

bacaan: How The Mighty Fall

Berawal dari banyaknya waktu luang gw akhir2 ini (baca: nganggur :p), gw mulai banyak baca. Nah, supaya gw gak terus2an baca manga mulu, gw mulai variasikanlah dengan sesekali baca ini. Minggu ini ada bacaan yang judulnya "How The Mighty Fall". Isinya tentang tahapan2 yang dialami sebuah perusahaan besar saat dia jatuh. Nah, buat ngetes gw nangkep apa ngga isinya, gw mu bahas ulang di sini.

Disebutkan ada 5 tahapan kejatuhan dari sebuah perusahaan besar. Untuk bisa mencapai kesimpulan ini, penulisnya katanya mempelajari lebih dari 6000 tahun sejarah perusahaan kalo digabungkan. Dan yang ngerinya, kejatuhan ini bisa saja baru terasa setelah kita berada di tahap 4! Tapi katanya, selama kita gak jatuh k tahap lima, kita masih bisa bangkit lagi. Okelah mari kita langsung bahas saja tahap2nya.

1. Hubris born of success
Kesombongan yang

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Overclocking My Athlon X2 +5000

I don't know what gotten into me yesterday. So i have this new computer for my sister:

AMD athlon X2 +5000
Motherboard MSI K9A2 Platinum (790FX Chipset)
MSI Radeon HD 4650 512mb

Actually, it's a mainstream specification nowadays. But for all application that i had in hand (which is > 5 years old games :P) , this comp is a MONSTER! So i was very pleased with its performance. That was, until i got my eyes at PCSX2, a PS2 emulator. Got too much time to spare, i decided to tried it out. And this application is a killer! I only got 30-35 fps in game (which is about 60% of actual PS2 speed). That's when i remember my long gone obsession.. overclocking!! So i went reading some materials, and easily got my PC to run at 3.0 GHz from 2.6 GHz! Hahaha, i'm surprised! I remember tweaking my PII 450 Mhz PC and got very happy if i can squeeze every extra MHz from it. Now i easily get a whooping 400 Mhz! o boy things have changed don't they? :p

What i did just some BIOS tweak:
1. lower proccessor multiplier to 12x (original was 13x)
2. set the FSB to 250 Mhz (from 200 Mhz) so the proccesor speed = 12 x 250 Mhz = 3 GHz
3. set DDR frequency to 823 Mhz.
4. disable spread spectrum
5. done!

I ran my system all day and it was stable. Got additional 5-10 fps from PCSX2. the system idle at 45C and went to 50C if on load. Good enough from stock cooling. after that i undid the overclocking. The reason? energy saving man! :p

*whew it's been a while i don't get in touch with my geeky side :D

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

till our blisters have blisters of thier own!

Target: 1500 balls before june!
Current: 900 balls

140409: 150 balls; kang Herman; P, iron 9

unrecorded: 600 balls... sorry.. i was getting lazy :p

120509: 150 balls; alone; iron 6
gosh.. today was an "off" day.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hehe.. baru nonton film ini..

mayan menarik. Tentang apa ceritanya? Diilhami dari kisah nyata tim BlackJack MIT: Ben Campbell adalah seorang mahasiswa MIT brilian (yaeyalaah, MIT!) yang punya mimpi untuk lanjut ke sekolah kedokteran harvard. Sekolah di Harvard Med tuh mahal, sekitar $300k, padahal si Ben ini kaga punya duit. Tapi, karena kebrilianannya (..kata yang aneh), dia direkrut semacem tim kecil rahasia di kampusnya. Ternyata tim kecil ini punya kegiatan yang cukup "unik": tiap weekend maen blackjack di Vegas! Ups, tapi kalo cuman judi doang mah ga usah mahasiswa brilian MIT juga bisa kan? nonono.. karena yang mereka lakukan adalah menaklukan game ini dengan suatu metode penghitungan kartu. FYI: blackjack itu salah satu dari sedikit maenan kartu yang bisa ditaklukan pake pikiran, gak cuma judi doang. Gimana caranya? tonton pilem ini makanya (iklan dikit ah :p).

Hemm.. ada beberapa hal yang jadi pikiran saya nih:
1. hee?! ngapain si Ben ini?? udah lulus MIT masi mau skolah kedokteran di harvard???
2. pas awal film, diliatin adegan si Ben lagi wawancara nyari beasiswa. Walopun dia punya GPA 4.0 (omaigat!) dan lulus MCAT (semacem ujian wat mahasiswa kedokteran) dengan score 42, dia perlu sesuatu yang membuat dia lain dari yang lain. Kalo kata bahasa si pewawancara "something that dazzled me". Wowow... if 4.0 GPA doesn't make u dazzle mister... hehe.. ternyata IP emang bukan segalanya (sedikit pembenaran buat diri sendiri :p). yosh! gonna make my dazzling moment in this year! amen!
3. Ben direkrut ke tim blakjack setelah dia berhasi menjawab Monty Hall problem dari dosennya. Ini menarik loh. silakan diikuti link ini kalo mau tau :D

tambahan ah
4. Ibunya Ben sempet bilang: " u worked too hard Ben. You should squeeze some time for yourself. You only being 21 once, and that goes very fast." Hehe.. made me looked back to last year but i can say, i've done my 21 to the fullest! hehe

Sunday, March 15, 2009

some punchlines!

we believe in the smell of fresh cut fairways at 6:00 AM, fast greens, and always playing for the tips. we don't believe in mulligans. we play it where it lies and concede nothing. we hit it long and our favorite numbers are always red. we are a new breed of athlete. 36 holes a day, hitting balls into the darkest hours of the night until our blisters have blisters of their own. "quiet please" is not in our vernacular. WE PLAY LOUD. WE PLAY HARD.


hehe.. above is an advertorial of oakley glasses (for golf). I dunno,, something impressed me so much to the point that i went to a local golf shop and actually buy this:

no- it's not an oakley glasses - :p
gonna try a few swings this week! :D

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Indonesia 2035 - Pendahuluan

Hum, sudah lama saya tidak menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia, jadi sekarang, nulis ah!

Saya ingin berbagi tentang visi saya tentang Indonesia tahun 2035. Pertama, kenapa perlu sebuah visi? Terus terang ini cuma untuk membantu saya saja dalam merencanakan hidup. Dalam melihat sebuah masalah, saya cenderung melihat gambaran besarnya, kemudian baru mengisi detail2 kecil yang diperlukan. Haha, ini kadang menjadi suatu masalah, karena sering kali saya terlalu asyik membayangkan kemana-mana, dan malah jadi gak beranjak kemana-mana, hehe. Katanya sih saya seorang visual-spatial learner. Semoga dengan menuliskan hasil "penerawangan" saya, bisa bikin saya lebih mudah untuk merumuskan bagaimana supaya visi saya itu bisa terwujud. Seperti orang bilang, devil is in the detail, jadi mari kita mulai saja! :D

Pertama, kenapa tahun 2035? Karena pada tahun itu saya berusia 48 tahun. Saya rasa pada usia itu saya sudah pantas untuk melihat ke belakang, dan berkata.. hoo.. ini toh yang sudah saya lakukan. Ya, saya berencana untuk menjadikan usia itu sebagai patokan keberhasilan hidup saya ini. Walau tentu saja itu semua tergantung Yang Maha Kuasa. Tidak, saya tidak berencana untuk pensiun pada usia itu. Terus terang, belum terbayang oleh saya bagaimana saya akan pensiun. (ups, mulai kemana-mana nih :p). Yang jelas, pada usia itu saya bayangkan saya sudah menghabiskan usia "prima" saya, sehingga hasil karya terbaik saya seharusnya sudah bisa dilihat. Setelah lewat masa itu, apa boleh buat, sisa tenaga aja deh :p.

Jadi, visi saya untuk Indonesia 2035 adalaaah:
mampu memenuhi kebutuhan energinya secara mandiri, dengan porsi energi terbarukan lebih dari 10%!

bisakah? realistiskah? hum,, saya masih harus banyak cari tahu. Target ini bakal sering direvisi, seiring perjalanan saya mencapainya. so, stay tuned guys!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

some nice reading materials

Hey! I found a nice blog to read. It contains articles that make us proud being Indonesian (you know i like those kind of stuffs ;D).
This one is wrote by a group of Indonesian, about out everyday issues:

And last one, written by an American freelance journalist:

Click on the picture to follow. Enjoy!

Friday, February 13, 2009


Title means, "My Japanese Language Class"

During the four and a half months period of my stay in Japan, i have joined a Japanese language class. There were four levels available, JA100 - JA400, with the later was the highest level. Before enrolling, students were supposed to do a placement test, but i skipped it, hehe. My friend from Indonesia, Haris, did the test and was assigned to the JA200 class. I thought, "hmm.. if he can do it, then i can". So i joined the JA200 class.

The class was a really interesting mix. There were Brazillian, French, South Koreans, Finns, Swede, Dutches, and of course, Indonesians.

Let's start with the Indonesian here. Me, Ganda, and Haris, who went together to Japan, plus Caca. Caca is an undergraduate student, like us, whose presence in Japan was to do an exchange program too, a different one from ours though. We Indonesian, were the biggest in number in class, but remained low in profile. Well,,, was it just our humble culture? Well, actually, i wanted to make some scene, but i was already struggled only to keep up with the class's pace, hahaha.

Next is the Koreans. There were three Korean: Bun, Rhee, and Park. Bun was an undergraduate whose major was hotel managerial. I really liked this guy. He was modest, despite his Japanese was the best in class. Rhee was a girl, shy but quite cute. Park, hoho, this guy was funny, and the loudest in class. I think the Koreans were topping our class.

Julian, Xandra, and Ewout are the netherlanders. Julias seem to be the most eager to learn Japanese. Xandra, a girl, a little tomboy i think, and to my surprice, was a video games fan! Ewout, hahaha.. i envied this guy. He had his girlfriend flew from Holland to met him in Japan in a vacation.

Klas is a Finn, had a good sense of humour, and a loud voice. Marita also came from the same country as Klas. Between the Europeans, i think she has the best Japanese. Since the Finns came from Nordic area, they thought winter in Japan was not cold at all. Klas even wore a T-shirt in the class room. WTF? I was freezing in the meantime.

Vinh is an Asian-blooded Swede. He often came late to class and our sensei liked to tease him. Hueges came from France. He is so.. umm.. French? :p. He was Klas's room mate. One day he dissapeared for three days and made Klas worry, hahaha. Then we had Danilo. He was Brazillian, same age as me. His english is excellent! i wonder if all Brazillian have good English.

hehe. ok, that's was my Japanese class team mates. A really good experience for me, my first sip of international taste, preceeding many more to come! Amin! :D

Sunday, February 01, 2009

buat yang grogian

I think it might help you to know that research has found that audiences can’t pick up on your anxiety as well as you might expect. Psychologists have documented what is called an “illusion of transparency.” Those speaking feel that their nervousness is transparent, but in reality their feelings are not so apparent to observers. This happens because our own emotional experience can be so strong, we are sure our emotions “leak out.” In fact, observers aren’t as good as picking up on a speaker’s emotional state as we tend to expect. So, while you might be so nervous you’re convinced that everyone can tell how nervous you are, in reality that’s very rarely the case. What’s inside of you typically manifests itself too subtly to be detected by others. With this in mind, you should just relax and try to do your best. Know that if you become nervous, you’ll probably be the only one to know.

hehe,, four days before my final presentation.  wish me luck guys! :D

tagged again!

Okay, here’s the rule :
Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions

 below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.

::the age of next birthday::


dulu, saya pernah sangat gandrung dengan pesawat. Pernah bikin pesawat mode

l dari kertas, F-111 advaark, skalanya lupa. keren deh, sayapnya bisa dilipet gitu kek beneran. saya pilox warna hitam.

::place i’d like to travel::

saya dari dulu sudah dicekcoki Bapak soal tempat yang satu ini. Someday i'll go there!

a favourite place::

  ZOE Comic Corner by Ikhlasul Amal.

Zoe Comic Corner

yup! Zone of Entertainment and Education! dulu namanya comic corner. Seperti yang terlihat pada gambar, sekarang dah rame banget. Padahal dulu cuma kios sewa komik kecil. sepi. Jaman tpb n tingkat 2 gw sering kesini, abis lari pagi, jadi pengunjung pertama gitu. Dulu gw kenal ama smua yang jaganya, mereka jg hapal ama gw. Sekarang dah banyak berubah, ga ada lagi yang kenal :D. O iya, walopun udah bertahun2 nongkrong di sini, gw gak pernah punya membercard, hehehe.

::name of my love::

What Mom Taught Me

hehe. untuk saat ini mom is the one and only :D

::a favourite food::

hehehe.. ayam goreeeng! kangen banget!

::a favourite thing::

eleanor.. bersamanya saya bertualang mengelilingi bandung

::nickname i had::

well.. it's a common nickname for a guy named Taufiq

::a favourite color::

hitam.. misterius

::college major::

tempat saya belajar tentang persahabatan, kepercayaan diri, dan persahabatan. Engineering Physics!

::a hobby::

reading mangaaa! :D:D:D

::a bad habit::

yes, i'm very easily get nervous

::my wish list::

live in a green building!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


hahaha, this week, i've been tagged by two of my friends. And since the so-busy-me now have found a time to relax, i thought that i will do it, it's fun you know! :D

First one is from Agni:

1. Put your music on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 10 friends who might enjoy doing the memo as well as the person you got the memo from.

lost - michael buble (err... doesn't make any sense)

sunao no kimochi  (artinya.. that particular feeling, hehe.. )

Oh Ya (umm.. jadi inget ohya-san.. lucu jg :p)

judul-judulan - pancaran sinar petromak (neng.. ayo neng.. ayo maen pacar2an.. wkaakka. tak betol ini)

belaian sayang - glenn feat dewi sandra (yeah! ibu menjaga, dan ayah mendoaaa)

L O V E - michael buble (:D:D:D suka gw)

eien no ai - ten to five (cinta selamanya?? oh thank you guys! )

my liberty good bye - letto (hahahhaa.. sibuk2.. good bye my liberty!)

WHAT IS 2+2?
you give love a bad name (yeah! to much calculation is not good my friends!)

foggy day - michael buble (hehe.. gak tau gimana nyambunginnya)

it's time (heuheu.. it's all about the time...)

don't sleep away the night (kakaka, banyak begadang nih)

sore tugu pancoran - iwan fals(duh, kok jadi tugu...)

love letter - tompi feat sierra (kekeke.. i hope so)

kring kring - vina p (duh, masa lagi wedding tetep nyepedah...)

kepompong - sindentosca (hohow.. sahabat.. pentingkah?)

cinta beradu bimbagn - audi (wakaka, temen2 gw pasti bilang,, opiq bangeeet!)

say goodbye to hollywood (sebenarnya.... pernah punya cita2 jadi artis! hehehe.. gak deeng)

me and mrs.jones (adu2.. slingkuh itu tak baik temans....)

the stranger (hum, suddenly become a stranger is the worst)

so would you let me be - (well.. it's true that it makes me sad if i can't be myself)

puisi cahaya bulan - nicholas saputra (hahahaha.. ini saya inget temen saya dani badra yang suka sok2 baca puisi ini)

bed of roses (?)

kita - sheila on seven (yeah! we'll go down together! mwahahah)

colour everywhere - christian bautista (keke.. my wedding should be colorfull)

perempuan ini - audi (but i'm a boy!!)

loving you - the cinnamons (hehe,, i think someone does)

sasayakana nagai (artinya kecil2 panjang.. apaan yak??)

di atas awan - parkdrive (hoho, lain kali aku akan melejit sampai ke atas awan!)

highway blues - new stories (hahaha.. boss usually gives blues)

i love you (ngga ah! :p)

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Hahaha, it's very late for a happy new year post right? 

anyway... Happy new year every one!

Now, like the norm of every new year, there's a new set of evaluation and resolution right? Ok, so let's get started:

My evaluation for 2008:

1. See the fact! The real world as it is, not as you want it to be. Consider your gut feelings, friends suggestions, and the numbers. Don't let your hopes makes you lie to yourself
2. Be more candid! Cut those B.S talks! tell the truth, with elegance if possible, but just tell it ASAP. The longer you hold it, the more damage it does. You experienced it first hand right? Don't let that happens to others, especially your friends.

Now my 2009 resolution:

1. Get a job! A job that offer you chance to develop in a short time. Since the job will be just  temporary before you get a scholarship.
2. Learn foreign language besides English! Japanese is a must. France, German, or Dutch is an optional.
3. Be more dicipline with your push-up and sit-up daily menu!
4. Rise early! Don't be late for subuh prayer!
5. Of course, search a scholarship! One way or another, you WILL do your master in 2010! apply early!
6. Be iBT certified!
7. It's a long and steep path ahead, but maintain your passion ok!

so.. let 's embrace our future!