Wednesday, June 02, 2010

In the night like this

Ah, lagi susah tidur nih. Daripada bengong ga ada kerjaan, saya mau nulis reff salah satu lirik lagu kesukaan saya sejak, 8 tahun lalu! hehe

Even if we cried, even if we laughed, there are things
that won't change
But we believed, and we'll join our hands and walk
As if we can be able do anything amidst time
So we believed, and we'll join our hands and walk

Yak, lagu ini saya dedikasikan buat seluruh pembaca blog saya. Tetep rajin2 mampir yak!


Astrid said...


Si Wiwid said...

nice blog :)

piqs said...

thanks for visiting! :D