Saturday, August 09, 2008


Many students of ITB, even in their last year, get confused, actually, what do we learn in this campus? Answering this question, i remember a speech from Mr. Kusmayanto Kadiman, a former rector (president) of ITB.

"We should know, what is the meaning of T, between I and B in ITB. T is for Teknologi (technology). And what is actually technology? Technology, is a perfect harmony between science, engineering, and arts"

Now let me give u an example:

That, my friends,, is what i call technology


hum, dapet email dari pak KK nih:

Saya sering banget bilang:"I define technology as a perfect fusion of science, engineering, artsand economic".

haha, mohon maaf kalau kurang tepat Pak. Tidak ada unsur kesengajaan, yang saya tangkep waktu itu emang cuma segitu. Thx!

Gambar dicari dari google dengan kata kunci "exotic car"


Bayuhebat said...

Despite what 'technology' is. I still called it "an Exotic car" :D.

what the difference between Science an engineering?

Rani said...

so, what we learn in campus is to build an exotic car? :D

piqs said...

ahahaha.. u guys..

humm,, in my opinion,, science is the knowledge of nature law, and engineering is the technique to make use of it.

well, that, and building a cool software for a book rental *cough,, comic corner.cough* too ;)

zaoldyckngeblog said...

Bugatti veyron,,,

fastest car on earth,,

nice example..

piqs said...


Weiss,, somebody recognize the Veyron! cool!

Well, it is debatable whether it is the fastest or not. But with a whoopin' 1000 of Horse Powers, it is an obvious strong nominee. :D

yandhie said...

Nice car...
Exotic, expensive, and beautiful...
But i hope technology should be more "reachable"

...Like your blog...