Tuesday, January 08, 2013


Whew! January is always a big month for me. This year make it more so. I defended my master thesis in December and will be going home this January, Woooho! Alhamdulillaah. This week, I also had my 26'th birthday *gasp*. And we just have the new year behind us. I think this is a good time for reflection, not only for the past year but also since I went to pursue my study in Korea. Here is some major lesson that I get, outside my research, of course.

1. Give yourself some break
You are just a human being. A mere mortal with limited time, capability and energy. Thus, you are prone to failure. When you do fail, there's no need to be so hard on yourself. It's natural. You can throw so many hours at your work but if you don't have any more energy, it would not yield anything meaningful. In fact, it can be harmful as you could make unnecessary mistakes, resulting in reworks. Do your best in your work, but when it's time to call it a day, shutdown and relax.

2. Prioritize
Well, since you only have limited energy, you need to be selective about what you are going to spend it for. This is where you make your choice about what is important for you, and what's not (ahem, dial down the drama please). And what's important might not necessarily productive economically. But when you choose to do something productive, choose an activity that can deliver most effect per energy spent. You know, the pareto principle. For example, you might feel productive rearranging your room the whole day, or reading a productivity blog, but what about that term paper laying around?

3. Think long term
This year, I gained a new hobby. Running. Endomondo recorded that I had run for more than 160 km in 2012. Maybe it's not much for some people, but I'd never thought i'd be able to run that far. My target was just to be able to run 10 km in one go. It's already a stretch target to me, mind you, since at the beginning of the year running 3 km will leave me half dead. So I run regularly, increasing the distance and speed little by little. The result, before winter comes I can cover 10k under one hour. Slick huh? Well the secret is to do it step by step. In the beginning of my training, I often get impatience and push my myself way over my limit. I'd get good result that day, but then I'd be crippled for more than a week, not able to do any exercise whatsoever. So just do it little by little, step-by-step. As long as you keep yourself moving in the right direction.

4. You'll miss a lot of things, and that's okay
To do what's important, you have to give up many things. Learn to say no. You don't have to go to every gathering. And that volunteering will go just fine without you (your ego might say otherwise, but believe me on this). Every body has their role in this world, play yours well, and let other play theirs.

5. You are not alone
There are some who miss you. Some who want to help you. Some who need your help. Thus, don't forget to   turn your head away from your work once in a while and look around.

6. The world is just awesome!


Unknown said...

welcome home bung Opik! *gelar karpet merah* *siapin kalungan bunga* ;))

piqs said...

Waseek. Hayu ah kumpul2