Kemarin (26/10/2010) negeri kita tercinta terkena bencana sangat berat.
Malam sebelumnya, hujan besar melanda ibu kota Jakarta. Banjir melumpuhkan lalu lintas di beberapa titik. Ribuan orang terjebak di jalan, banyak pekerja yang baru berhasil mencapai tempat tinggalnya pukul tiga pagi, padahal mereka harus bekerja keesokan harinya. Tercatat beberapa kali gempa di Sumatera Barat, Peringatan tsunami dikeluarkan.
Pagi harinya, kembali gempa mengguncang barat Sumatera. Tibalah berita duka itu, tsunami! Ratusan warga Pulau Mentawai, Sumatera Barat menjadi korban jiwa. Ribuan orang lainnya terpaksa mengungsi.
Belum juga hari berganti terdengar kabar bencana dari penjuru lain. Gunung Merapi di Jawa Tengah meletus! Awan panas bersuhu lebih dari enam ratus derajat celcius menyapu daerah sekitar. Korban pertama yang terdeteksi adalah sekelompok wartawan.
Kenapa kita ditimpa bencana? Marahkan Tuhan pada bangsa ini? Ah daripada mempertanyakan Tuhan marilah kita percaya bahwa Tuhan itu Maha Baik. Bahwa Ia tidak akan menurunkan cobaan pada suatu kaum di luar kemampuan mereka.
Sekarang kita harus sadar, bahwa tanah air kita yang subur dan mempesona ini sepaket juga dengan ancaman yang dikandungnya. Tugas kitalah supaya bisa memanfaatkannya sekaligus bisa menjaga diri dari potensi bencananya. Tapi pertama, tugas kitalah untuk membuat warga yang terkena bencana sadar bahwa mereka punya jutaan saudara setanah air yang peduli, yang juga ikut merasa sakit, yang akan berkontribusi untuk meringankan derita mereka.
Ayo Indonesia, kita hadapi bersama!
10/26/2010: Tsunami and Volcanic Eruption in Indonesia. Hundreds casualties
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Going Urban!
Hello! Whew, it has been more than a month since my last post. It is not that I am too busy to write, It just doesn't occur to my mind to write here. I write almost everyday you know, just not in blog;) . Well, I guess I have to write or else I will forget that I have a blog here, hehe.
So,, now I live in Jakarta. Yep, here I am, joining thousands of people who came to the capital for their fortune. Alhamdulillah, thank god I was accepted to work in one of private EPC company which moves in Oil and Gas sector. I settled in a cheap rented room a.k.a "kostan" in Cilandak Barat, South Jakarta. Ring me if you are in the area! :)
I'm quite happy with my current job. Even if the salary is just so-so, I learn a lot about technical stuff and project management. But to be honest, "quite happy" is not enough to buy my loyalty :p. The problem is, I realized that sometime the company is not playing by the book, and often strays into what you call "gray area". Not my problem though, because I am just a lowly worker crunching technical problem. But I don't think I want to be involved in the management (which I have to if I want to advance my career here). So enough about those stuff.
In my spare time, I get my hand dirty with NVIDIA CUDA. In short, it is an extension to C which enables you to do computation with CUDA enabled graphic card. I make a blog about it at .
Well, this is as good as it gets for the next couple of months. Hopefully things going to improve soon :)
So,, now I live in Jakarta. Yep, here I am, joining thousands of people who came to the capital for their fortune. Alhamdulillah, thank god I was accepted to work in one of private EPC company which moves in Oil and Gas sector. I settled in a cheap rented room a.k.a "kostan" in Cilandak Barat, South Jakarta. Ring me if you are in the area! :)
I'm quite happy with my current job. Even if the salary is just so-so, I learn a lot about technical stuff and project management. But to be honest, "quite happy" is not enough to buy my loyalty :p. The problem is, I realized that sometime the company is not playing by the book, and often strays into what you call "gray area". Not my problem though, because I am just a lowly worker crunching technical problem. But I don't think I want to be involved in the management (which I have to if I want to advance my career here). So enough about those stuff.
In my spare time, I get my hand dirty with NVIDIA CUDA. In short, it is an extension to C which enables you to do computation with CUDA enabled graphic card. I make a blog about it at .
Well, this is as good as it gets for the next couple of months. Hopefully things going to improve soon :)
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