Tuesday, August 07, 2007

gara2 proposal daisakusen...

I'm those person who'll try to find the right moment and location,
I'm those person who'll keep waiting because I believe there's still time left,
I'm those person who can't really express my feeling,
I'm those...... I don't need to say more... I'm just Iwase Ken

... ck, aing banget gak sih??

*arghhh,, knp hari ini gw gak jemput ajaaaaa


coreng said...

emmm... om Taufiq, punya translation in Jepun nya gak kalimat yg di atas ituw ?

piqs said...

syapa ini?

ngga punya..
sebenernya itu kata2 seseorang,, bukan dari filmnya. karna pas, jadi gw tulis d..