Monday, January 23, 2012

somethings to shoulder

Happy lunar new year! Gong xi fa cai!

In Korea, this is a big holiday, with three days of national holiday on the calendar. I use this holiday to do somethings that I haven't done for a while: playing games, reading books, and catching up with my sister. She just went through her first week in Padang, a city more than a thousand kilometers from our hometown. It's her first time far away from home, so I'm a little worried. Hopefully she can immediately feels comfortable and accepted there.

Chatting with my sister made me think about my situation. Two of my younger siblings has started their first job, and the third is taking a national university exam this year. My father just retired from his job, but I heard that he make a venture with his friends in his retirement. Glad that he found something to work on, since I know have nothing to do will do harm for him. Problem is, I am not sure if our family have enough financial safety net. Making sure of this is one of my responsibility, being the oldest son of the family.

Lastly, I really should plan about my own family. Due to circumstances, I just float the matter in the air. Things will be different in one year, when I will have my graduation, Insya Allah. I cannot call myself a man if I keep fooling around then.

All these factors will limit my option in the future. For example, making a high risk tech venture is certainly a no go.This is not necessarily a bad thing. When I had my first graduation, I was overwhelmed by the many choices that I became paralyzed. Now I know what my options are and I can choose much clearer. Bad news is, none of them are "easy".

Well, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

Gee, my English story telling skill is deteriorating.

Saturday, January 07, 2012

2012: Tahun Berpikir Positif

Ahey 2012! Selamat tahun baru! telat banget ya? :)) Biasa, sibuk, hehe.

Kalau tahun2 sebelumnya saya punya berbagai resolusi spesifik, untuk tahun 2012 ini saya cuma punya satu niatan saja: lebih banyak berpikir positif! Iya, banyak orang bilang saya itu orangnya sudah optimis, tapi sepertinya masih kurang. Berpikir positif yang saya bahas di sini lebih ke arah berpikir positif ke orang. Jujur, selama ini kalau saya berhadapan dengan orang yang belum saya kenal dengan baik, pikiran pertama saya adalah orang ini punya niat yang tidak baik. Ini sebabnya saya jarang termakan isu atau kena tipu orang, hehe.

Kalau kata Pak Dahlan Iskan di video ini, berpikir positif itu untungnya adalah berpikiran terbuka untuk ide-ide baru dan gampang adaptasi di lingkungan baru. Saya kira ini adalah hal yang sangat penting di era globalisasi hari ini. Ruginya? Hmm, mungkin akan lebih banyak kecewa ya? Ah tapi rasanya tidak apa-apa kecewa satu dua kali lebih banyak. Sudah dua puluh lima tahun gitu lho.

Ok, shall the show begin!

Friday, January 06, 2012